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There's a storm brewing - Hogs Back Brewery

There's a storm brewing

It takes a lot to shut the Brewery but when Storm Eunice visited last week, we had no option.

Winds of over 75 mph howled around the site as staff and customers were buffeted about.  The new marquee had been secured down tightly, just in case!

We lost electricity at about 11am, just as Miles was in the middle of a brew.  All the hops had been added to the copper and the brew team was just about to run off the brew. 

Sadly one of the old trees at the front of the site came crashing down into the car park but luckily no-one was hurt.  

One of old fences succumbed and was promptly mended.  There was some damage to the roof of the Kiln and one of the other buildings on site, but nothing too serious.


The teams in the Shop and Tap Room strove valiantly to serve customers taking cash payments only as the card machines stopped working.  With darkness descending, we had no option but to close the site at 5pm.

But thankfully the storm passed over and the electricity came back on later in the evening.  There is just a lot of tidying up to do!  Rupert was quick to see the opportunity for some firewood!

 Rupert cutting up the fallen tree

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