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Quiz night - Hogs Back Brewery

Quiz night

15 tables of eager quizzers joined Bruce last night to take part in the monthly charity quiz at the Brewery Tap.

We got a little worried about the size of this team.....

large team at the brewery tap quiz

But luckily they did split into three different teams before the start of the quiz, with plenty of friendly rivalry!

Those with a sweet tooth enjoyed the Picture round - guess the chocolate bar.  But we were back on familiar territory with the Beer round, although not all teams scored 10 out of 10.  Definitely some more tasting work to be done there.....

Bruce cunningly threw in a few questions about recent news from the Brewery, to test everyone's Hogs Back Brewery knowledge.

After an evening of pints and pizzas, the scores on the doors were all incredibly tight.  Quizmass Quackers emerged as the winners....

quiz winners with prize

....closely followed by Quizzy Bees....

runners up quiz team

But "Team Name" and Tipsy & Lager also deserve a mention for taking part!

So don't forget to sign up to the newsletter below or follow us @hogsbackbrewery to make sure you are prepared for the next quiz:

Thursday 7th April in aid of The Meath Epilepsy Charity 

Book now.  £5 per table/team which will be donated to The Meath Epilepsy Charity based in Godalming.

 quiz night flyer

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