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Apprentice News! - Hogs Back Brewery

Apprentice News!

We’re pleased to welcome Abi as our newest Apprentice to the TEA [Train. Experience. Achieve] Academy! 

Apprentice Abi

Abi will be a familiar face to many at the Tap where she has been working part-time around her college work for the last few months. 

Apprentice Abi

So now her college course has come to an end, it’s no surprise that Abi has opted for a career in the hospitality sector! We caught up with Abi as she embarks on her first steps as our Hospitality Supervisor Apprentice…..

Apprentice Abi

Q: How did it all start at the Hogs Back Brewery?

A: I’ve always liked going out, going to places and speaking to lots of people, so I wanted to work in a social environment, and what could be more sociable than a Brewery Tap!  I started working in the bar and making the pizzas but being with customers is what I like best.

Q: What’s been the most difficult part so far?

A: Trying to learn about alcohol drinks when you can’t taste them!  But you can tell a lot through the colour and aroma.  Luckily, the team in the Tap have all helped me out by describing the flavours!

Q: Why did you choose the Hospitality Supervisor Apprenticeship?

A: Growing up with an elder brother and sister meant there was always someone to talk to and I like working in jobs where I get to speak to lots of different people. Hospitality is fun! I was a bit nervous at first but I’m building up my confidence!

Q: Tell us a bit more about the apprenticeship…..

A: It’s a 12-month course and I’ll be spending one day a week studying.  It will be a mix of online lectures and seminars, but there are some workshops too, which I am looking forward to. 

Although I have only just started, my tutor has already sent me some online assignments! 

At the end of the course, I will have to sit some online exams, but there will also be a 4-hour observation at the Hogs Back Brewery, where my tutor will get to see me in action!

Q: How do you like to relax in your spare time?

A: I really like walking our dog.  It’s a Shih Tzu puppy and although he looks a bit grumpy, he’s lovely!

Q: What would be your dream job?

A: Running my own bar!  I would love to be in charge and make the bar just how I want it.  It would give me a real sense of achievement.

We wish Abi all the best in her new career!

If you are interested in finding out more about our Apprenticeship scheme, register your interest.

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