Tongham TEA travels to Germany
Tongham TEA also made the trip to Germany recently with the Guildford Twinning Association.

Guildford is just one of Freiburg twin towns, so we thought they might appreciate some samples of Tongham TEA and Surrey Nirvana!

Every two years, Freiburg Partner Cities Fair invites all its Twin Towns along to showcase their town, especially its food and drink. Alongside Guildford, Freiburg's partner cities are Besançon in France, Padua in Italy, Granada in Spain, Innsbruck in Austria, Madison, Wisconsin in the USA, Tel Aviv in Israel, Isfahan in Iran, Suwon in South Korea, Matsuyama in Japan, Wiwili in Nicaragua and Lviv in Ukraine.

Guildford Twinning Association was by far the biggest delegation, which was handsomely acknowledged by Oberburgermeister [Lord Mayor] Martin Horn.

The Mayor of Lviv gave his heartfelt thanks to Freiburg for its support....
......and Guildford folk-rock duo, Briggs and Stark, performed three times on the festival stage.

All the visitors loved our beer samples, which seem to go down well, and a good time was had by all. Prost!

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