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Tongham TEA Clubbers Taste Hop Yard Pale - Hogs Back Brewery

Tongham TEA Clubbers Taste Hop Yard Pale

We had a fantastic turnout for the release of our new Easter beer - Hop Yard Pale. Our delightful Tongham TEA Clubbers and their guests were welcomed at the door with our snorters of Hop Yard Pale ready to be tried and tasted, shortly followed by Rupert starting off the evening with discussing the new beer.

Hop Yard Pale Flagons

Our new Hop Yard Pale was presented in light of Easter, a refreshing 3.4% ABV Pale Ale, brewed with Pale and Munich malt, and a touch of wheat, for a light, crisp base. It has stonefruit and grapefruit notes from our US hops, Amarillo and Ekuanot, with a blast of citrus from the home-grown English Cascade’s bumper 2021 harvest, and a spicy finish from the Australian Enigma hops. 

Rupert discussed the artwork regarding the new beer, and how his daughter cleverly designed it so that it was fresh and cheerful for the season, whilst including key parts of our site such as the hop garden and the brew house.

Rupert talking to the audience

Jill, our Marketing Director, lead on from Rupert to discuss our Tongham TEA Redesign. She explained to the audience what we had changed and why, as we want people to understand the story behind the new design. Although some people had concerns that the new look came with a new taste, we reassured them that it is only the name that is changing - our Tongham TEA has the same great taste it always has!

Jill then lead on from this by discussing our new Brewery Gate Kegs, available in 5l and 10l to buy from the Brewery Shop

Jill speaking to audience
Overall, the night was a riveting success, with both Jill and Rupert available afterwards to answer any queries and show our TEA Clubbers the brewery kegs. We hope that everyone who attended enjoyed our Hop Yard Pale, and we look forward to seeing the Tongham TEA Club Members back for our next tasting of Friday 13th on... Friday 13th May!
Jill explaining the Brewery Gate Keg
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