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Grant VIPs visit the Brewery - Hogs Back Brewery

Grant VIPs visit the Brewery

Today saw a very special contingency visit the Brewery!

Rural Prosperity Fund visitors at the Brewery Tap

MD Miles and Financial Controller Sylvia were delighted to show the VIP visitors what a huge difference their Rural Prosperity Fund grant has made to our business.

Rural Prosperity Fund VIPs see the new kegs

The grant from the Rural Prosperity Fund, courtesy of Surrey County Council, has been used to part-fund the recent Tap refurbishment as well as purchase the three new brewing vessels for the pilot plant and our new fleet of 30 litre kegs.

Rural Prosperity Fund VIPs see the new brewing vessels

The VIPs comprised Cathy Miles, the Greener Futures Grant Programme Manager at Surrey County Council, who has been so supportive in guiding us through all the complexities of the grant application, alongside Marisa Heath – Cabinet Member for the Environment, Paul Deach – Deputy Cabinet Member for the Leader of the Council, Anthony Watts – Greener Futures Grant Project Officer and 8 members of the grants’ panel, who decide the allocation of funding. 

Rural Prosperity Fund VIP visitors to the Brewery Tap
All our VIPs were keen to see for themselves the project and understand the positive impact it will have on Hogs Back Brewery and its customers.  Our thanks go to them all.

Rural Prosperity Fund VIPs visit the brewery tap

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