Farmer Mike and his Jersey Cows!
Did you know that we supply our spent grain to a local farm?
Farmer Mike at Pierrepont Farm, Frensham, comes once a week to collect our leftover spent grain from the brewery for his Jersey Cows. Farmer Mike then mixes this with his regular cow feed to create the ultimate food blend for his pedigree cows.

Mike has been farming for well over 50 years, having grown up and started his farming career with his father in Suffolk, caring for their small herd of pedigree Jersey cows. Both he and his cows have been at Pierrepont farm for 16 years, and now he has a herd of over 100+ cows. With gorgeous green fields to roam, and an automatic milking machine, these cows are really living their best life. Some even got a taste for our beer... Don't worry, it's safe for them to taste.

The spent grain from the mash tun that we provide is actually very good for cows, it provides a great source of energy, fibre and protein to keep them healthy and energetic and providing plenty of milk! This milk gets sent away to a well-known national company to make various dairy products for you to enjoy.

As Jersey Cow milk is creamier than regular milk, the cream can be taken out and used by companies to create their butter in Wiltshire! A small portion of their milk is also given to a small cheese producer right there on the farm called Cheese On The Wey

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