English Wine Week
English Wine Week runs from 18th - 26th June this year! The week was moved to become a truly mid-Summer event with Summer Solstice on 21st June and Midsummer Day on 24th June.
The aim of English Wine Week is simply to celebrate local, English wines and vineyards and help you get to know your wines better. Of course, we sell some fantastic English wines in our Brewery Shop that you must try this Summer!
Lyme Bay is a great winery based in Devon’s beautiful Axe Valley. They combine their love of flavours and experienced know-how to create these marvelous concoctions right there at the winery, under supervision of their knowledgeable team.
They have created a stunning range of fruit wines, and we sell 8 different flavours in our Brewery Shop. With fantastic flavours such as apricot, cherry, raspberry, blackberry and summer berries, we are sure you'll find a fruity wine to tickle your taste-buds.

Greyfriars is a wonderful vineyard located on the sunny south facing chalk slopes of the Hog’s Back at Puttenham, just outside Guildford in Surrey. After taking over an original vineyard in 2010, Greyfriars have made it their mission to create beautiful English sparkling wines, and making good use of their new winery.
We are so glad to be stocking 4 of their delightful wines, including their Rosé Reserve, Pinot Gris, Blanc de Blancs and Still Rosé. Why not drop by the Brewery Shop and pick up a bottle this Summer, or use our handy local and courier delivery!

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