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Bring Home the Glory - England's Glory! - Hogs Back Brewery

Bring Home the Glory - England's Glory!

On the eve of the Six Nations tournament, England’s Glory cask ale is back on draught in the Brewery Shop and Tap. 

It’s become a bit of a tradition here at the Brewery and this year is no different.  Brewed with Pale Malt, Aromatic Malt and wheat, these combine to give a really robust malty base, with warm caramel depth.

The Aromatic malt enhances the malty, honey notes and gives some of the richer colour.  The wheat not only helps the head retention, but helps give a good, clean flavour.

Goldings, a quintessentially old British hop, originating in Kent, provides the bittering.   

Bramling Cross, an aromatic hop, is added at the end of the boil and adds lemony citrus notes on both flavour and aroma.  The hop originates from a cross between Bramling (a traditional English Golding variety) and a male seedling of the Manitoban (Canadian) wild hop. 

The result is a 4.4% easy drinking, dark golden ale, with bags of taste.  It celebrates all that is good about England and it goes perfectly with Roast Beer & Yorkshire Pudding – what else?

England’s Glory cask ale is available now from the Brewery Shop in a range of sizes from 1¾ pints right up to 72 pints!

Or relax with a pint in the Tap.   It’ll taste event better if you’re watching the Six Nations rugby on the big screen with us.


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