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"Nil Points" win the Quiz

There was a select turn out for first of December's charity quizzes in the Brewery Tap.  But with ten tables battling it out for the prizes, it was still a close fought battle.

True to form, Bruce had come up with a range of rounds to test the quizzers, with a sprinkling of Christmas questions, not to mention a few plugs for the World Cup!

Quiz team

Mixing it up, there were rounds on Random Knowledge with multiple choice answers, together with Guess the Host World Cup Nation from the England football anthem!  The ever-popular Picture Round was a bit of a brain teaser with 20 Christmas Movies to name.  But it wasn't as tough as naming well-known Christmas Carols from the first line of the second verse or identifying Christmas Number One songs from the lyrics of the first line.

But the Wipe Out round really tested everyone - by writing down answers they were confident on, they could score points.  But a wrong answer "wiped out" all the points from that round!  

With the teams enthusiastically joining in by singing and dancing along to the last Music round, there was plenty of Christmas cheer (and beer) to go round! 

Quiz team

Last month's winners were tripped up with the Wipe Out round, leaving the way clear for the team "Nil Points" to steal victory by one point with 65 out of 100.  Congratulations to the winners and a big "thank you" to all those taking part, who helped raise money for Crisis at Christmas.

Quiz winner with quizmaster and prize

Our next quiz is Thursday 22nd December so come and join us for more fun, with ticket sale proceeds going to Parkside.

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