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Bags of veg! - Hogs Back Brewery

Bags of veg!

Thursday is veg-bag collection day from the Brewery for members of Farnham Community Farm. 

collecting bags of fresh vegetables

This week’s wonderful bag of fresh veg contains leeks, kale, mustard leaf, sprouts, carrots and celeriac.

close up of farnham community farm fresh veg bags

The vegetables are grown organically at the home of Farnham Community Farm in nearby Runfold by their team of growers and local volunteers.  Subscribers get a share of the week’s produce, which is freshly picked, along with lots of helpful hints on how to prepare and cook the vegetables, as well as a wealth of tasty recipes to try out.

growers and volunteers at work at farnham community farm

Back in November, when the community farm was looking for a new collection point – a modest request for a sheltered space where they could set up two tables - Hogs Back Brewery was happy to step in.  We thought our roadside barn would be just the spot for the three-month trial.  We’re pleased to say the relationship is blooming and we'll be continuing to work together.  


farnham community farm board at hogs back brewery
selection of vegetables grown at farnham community farm
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