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Up with the lark! - Hogs Back Brewery

Up with the lark!

Undaunted by the cold and drab start to the morning, Colin and Jill were up early and could be spotted in the hop garden, taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2023.

Our resident robin put in an appearance.

Robin at the brewery

The flashy feathers of the magpies could be clearly seen.

magpie in flight over the hop garden

Pied wagtails bobbed along in the Sunken Garden.

Wagtail in the Sunken Garden.

The call of the red kite was heard as it circled over head.

Red kite over hop garden

The blackbird was busy in the hedgerow.

There was the heavy, distinctive flap of wood pigeons on the wing.

Wood pigeons in the hop garden

Cheeky sparrows chirped noisily.

Whilst there wasn’t a parliament of rooks or a murder of crows, there were plenty of corvids that dropped by.

Birds over the hop garden

Starlings flitted overhead and a fast-travelling flock of unidentified birds wheeled around, perching on the hop garden wires and feeding in the hop garden.

A lesser spotted Colin was also snapped.

Bird watcher in the hop garden

Whilst most of the birds kept well out of camera range, their song reached the ears of Colin and Jill, making a very serene (if cold!) start to the day!

The deer even put in an appearance too!

deer in the hop garden

But here's a selection of shots we've taken recently around the Brewery.  We hope you enjoy them.

Heron in the hop garden

magpie in hop garden

robin amongst the beer kegs

sparrows by the brewhouse

Magpie in the hop garden

flock of birds over hop garden

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