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Twiddling in the Hop Garden - Hogs Back Brewery

Twiddling in the Hop Garden

Ever wondered where the hops in your beer come from? Now is your chance to find out. Why not come along to see how we manage our hop growing by joining us for “twiddling” or “twizzling” in the Hop Garden. This is the art of training the hop shoots to grow up the strings.

Hop plants need support to grow vertically to produce a good crop, as the hops themselves grow from side shoots or “laterals” to give them their proper name. The plants thrive best when they have plenty of light and air. 

No experience necessary. Just enthusiasm! Matthew will teach you all that you need to know about twiddling. You’ll also be cutting back the unwanted hop shoots, to channel all the goodness into a select few shoots. It’s all about quality not quantity.

Clean boots are a must. Gardening gloves and secateurs recommended if you have them!  But if not, Matthew can provide them (not the boots of course!)


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