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Chilli Jam jars from Surrey

Succulent Surrey Chilli Jam

Grab a jar of our new-in Chilli Jam. 

Made by Surrey-based The Chilli Potter, this range of four succulent and spicy delicacies goes devilish well with cheese and biscuits. 

Available now in the Brewery Shop.

Chilli jams

Handmade in the kitchen with lots of love and affection, each jam has its own distinctive taste with plenty of fruitiness and fresh flavours.

Start with the Mild Green One for a sweet warmth,

Move up in heat to The Red One,

The Odd One has a hint of Smokiness.

If you can take the heat, go for the Scotch/Naga One.

Try these new-in sweet chilli jams - perfect to spread, marinade and dip - and made by The Jamologist in Lightwater, Surrey.

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