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Stringing in the sunshine - Hogs Back Brewery

Stringing in the sunshine

Traditionally stringing the hop garden begins at the start of meteorological spring.

Matthew stringing the hop garden

The coconut coir has arrived from Sri Lanka. 

Coconut coir on the trailer
Coconut coir to string the garden

It’s the best material around as it’s strong enough to support all the weight of the hops but by harvest time, it will have dried out in the open air and sun so it’s brittle enough to easily break.

Coconut coir bundles in the hop garden

Hop Estate Manager Matthew takes advantage of the spring sunshine to get cracking in the hop garden with the stringing, which provides the essential support needed by the hops to grow tall and healthy.

Stringing starts in the hop garden

There’s over 6,000 plants to string in total. Each plant requires 4 strings from the ground to the overhead tensioned wire-work, meaning Matthew will be using over 100 miles of coconut coir.

Strings in the hop garden
Strings in the hop garden

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