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Quiz Triumph - Hogs Back Brewery

Quiz Triumph

Last night's charity quiz went down a triumph! With over 20 teams testing their general knowledge, the competition was strong. The charity we were raising money for this month was the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity, who support people with dyslexia to bring about positive changes in their lives.

Some of the team from the Helen Arkell Dyslexia Charity even formed their own quiz team!

Helen Arkell team

Quiz team
Quiz team

Quiz Master Bruce lead a fantastic evening with a World Cup twist for the upcoming football. The night included a picture round of flags from World Cup competitors, 2 music rounds along with in the news, trivia and entertainment.

Quiz master bruce

All the teams did a fantastic job, however "6 at 14" beat everyone to the winning spot with an outstanding 87/100! How did they get their name? Well, there was 6 of them at table number 14...

Quiz night winning team

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