Quiz fit for a Queen
There was a thoroughly festive feel to the quiz on Thursday in the bunting-decked Hangar.

Teams gathered early to enjoy a pizza and pint to get the grey cells ticking, with everyone in relaxed and happy mood.
There was a great turnout with 19 teams battling for the top honours.

Quizmaster Bruce was on fine form, striking just the right balance with his carefully chosen teasers, testing the teams' knowledge of Riddles, Food & Drink, Sport and TV Theme Tunes among other things.
A few helpful hints and multiple choice options for the opening round on the Platinum Jubilee, were found to be most useful!

Oddly enough, the Picture Round of “Name the Cocktail” proved an absolute breeze, whereas “Name the Royal Children” caused some furrowed brows.

But there was plenty of singing along to the Music round.
In a close run competition, with only 16 points separating all the teams, there was a tie for top spot. The tie break question had both teams thinking hard but Hopless just took it (not quite as hopeless at quizzing as they thought).....

....pipping Quizmas Quackers to the post by a short head.

At the other end of the leader board, it was all about the taking part, with We're Only Here For The Gin receiving a consolatory bottle of TEA.

A fun night was had by all and a big "thank you" to everyone who generously donated in the charity buckets at the end of the evening to this month's chosen charity. These donations, alongside all the proceeds from the night's ticket sales, will be going to The Fountain Centre, based at St Luke's Cancer Centre at the Royal Surrey Hospital.
Next month's quiz is on Thursday 7th July in aid of the Badshot Lea Community Garden, so why not gather up your friends and family and come along?
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