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Hogs Back Brewery Ladies Get Brewing! - Hogs Back Brewery

Hogs Back Brewery Ladies Get Brewing!

To mark International Women’s Day on 8th March, the ladies of the Hogs Back Brewery get brewing! Sylvia, Clare and Gina pitch in and learn the ropes under the watchful eye of Nash for the latest limited edition brew on the pilot plant.

Three Hogs Back Ladies brewing for International Women's Day

They have helped brew a batch of Blackwater Coffee Porter, right from the gristing in, adding hops into the boil, popping in the late hops….

Gristing in for the brew

……to measuring out the real ground coffee, from local roaster Coffee Real….

Measuring out the real ground coffee for the beer brew

……with Nash on hand to makes sure the coffee infuses for that all-important flavour….

Real ground coffee goes into the brew

…..and to give the brew a good old stir when required.

Stirring the brew

It may have been an early start at 7am for gristing in, but the ladies learnt a lot and thoroughly enjoyed their day.

We look forward to tasting their when beer when it goes on sale in the Brewery Shop and Tap soon!

Blackwater Coffee Porter beer coming soon
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