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Hops start to shoot! - Hogs Back Brewery

Hops start to shoot!

If you’ve been bamboozled by the weather, spare a thought for our hops.  The warm, dry spell of sunny weather in late January has given way to more typical temperatures for this time of year and the wettest February on record! 

hop garden

The first of the Cascade hop shoots are just poking their distinctive pinky-purple heads up above the bare soil in the hop garden. Ideally they should still be underground, concentrating their energy supplies in the root ball to provide stronger shoots later in spring.

hop shoots in the hop garden

March 1st is the traditional start date for stringing but there is a lot of standing water in the hop garden…..

hop garden

.... so Matthew has wisely delayed this until the weather is more clement!

Coconut coir to string the hop garden Elsewhere there are signs of spring around the site to gladden the heart! 

Tree blossom


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