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Emergency Beer Service! - Hogs Back Brewery

Emergency Beer Service!

Here’s a heads up that our Brewery Shop will be closed Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September for the Hop Harvest Festival & TEA Party.

So make sure you stock up!

The Brewery Shop will be open Tuesday to Friday as usual:

Brewery Shop opening hours

Call by or pre-order your draught for collection on Friday evening – we’re open until 8pm!

Or order online.  Make sure your order is in by midnight Tuesday for Local Delivery or Courier service before the weekend.

But just in case, we’ll be operating an Emergency Beer Service on Saturday 24th September from 10am – 12noon only from the old cellar.

Follow the parking signs and please take care when you cross from the car park to the old cellar.

Our Emergency Beer Service will be stocking a full range of cases of our beer as well as a limited range of pre-poured draught beers & container sizes so when it’s gone it’s gone!

To keep up to date with all the news from the Brewery, sign up to our newsletter below and follow us @HogsBackBrewery on TwitterFacebook and Instagram.

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