Burrs in the Hop Garden
Having reached the top of the strings by Midsummer’s Day, the hop plants have been happily putting their energy into sending out their laterals – or pairs of leaves sprouting sideways from the main bine - under the July sun (and rain!)

The pins are starting to form on the Cascade and the heritage Farnham White Bine plants……

.......whereas the Fuggles are further ahead and showing the spiky burrs, which are the precursors of the all-important hop cones.

The wet, but warm March and the usual heavy April showers have washed away or diluted the good nutrients in the Hop Garden soil, meaning Matthew has needed to replace the missing nitrates and nitrogen. The laterals are later than Matthew would normally expect.

The Fuggles cones are expected to appear around the second week in August, but both Farnham White Bine and Cascade are likely to be later.

The summer warmth will be very welcome to help the cones develop into the fine hops that we harvest for our beers.

Harvest here at the Hogs Back Brewery traditionally starts after the August Bank Holiday, but Matthew will be keeping a close eye on the crop and will decide whether to hold off the 2024 harvest until the start of September so the hops are picked at their peak. We’ll keep you posted!
Meanwhile the ladybirds and poppies are flourishing.....

If you want to join our team of Hoppers for harvesting, get in touch.
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