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Big Garden Birdwatch - Hogs Back Brewery

Big Garden Birdwatch

It may have been a windy start to our Big Garden Birdwatch in the Hop Garden but it soon perked up.

The usual suspects visited us.......

Coal tits and blue tits were busy in the trees...

Coal tit bird
Blue tit bird

A magpie was looking for a meal.....

Magpie bird

A lucky crow finds a snack...

Crow with a snack
Crow bird on TV aerial

A pair of gulls passed overhead...

Pair of gulls flying

Jackdaws were busy feeding...

Jackdaw birds feeding

But plenty of birds were camera shy and didn't venture too close!

Birds in trees

With pigeons flapping and flocks of small birds wheeling overhead, there was plenty of birdsong in the hop garden, but many were too quick for the camera!

Birds over hop garden
The deer turned out too...
Deer grazing
Buck deer grazing

It may have been wet out there.....Puddles in the hop garden

..but being part of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2025 was a good way to start a Friday morning with Camera Man Colin!

Camera Man Colin
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