Accidental Carrot harvest being used in new Hogs Back beer
Out of disaster comes Hogs Back's remarkable new carrot beer!
When our Hop Garden manager, Matthew, went out to check on the hops in our new hop garden last Monday, he noticed something odd growing in the rows. Amongst the new shoots he spotted 4 rows of rather oddly tufted plants growing. When he also noticed something orange emerging from the ground, he thought it best to investigate.

It appears that at some point during the replanting of the Hop Garden that a collection of root stocks from the farmer's carrot crop had been mixed up with the final hops and were planted by mistake.
Matthew King explains 'Upon planting the final row of hops back in the Autumn we decided to toast to the end of a difficult job with a few pints. When one of the gardeners found an extra box of hops we seemed to have forgotten we thought we'd better plant those before Rupert noticed our mistake. Of course we didn't realise the error until the new crops started to emerge last week.'

Rather than being disappointed with the garden labourers, Hogs Back owner Rupert Thompson saw this as an interesting opportunity to expand on the brewer's ale portfolio. 'As environmentally-conscious brewers focused on exploring and brewing new beers with what we grow on Manor Farm, we were keen to include the new crop in our 'From Field to Firkin in a Furlong' scheme. We asked Miles whether he may be able incorporate the carrots in our next seasonal brew and being the brewer extraordinaire that he is, he has made an incredible new beer with a rich carrot aroma and a well balanced earthy finish.'
We see this as a premium quality beer with a taste that will appeal to a new generation of drinkers and also with very positive health implications through the high vitamin content.
The new 'April 1st' beer is available for tasters in the Brewery Shop on the morning of Monday 1st April only and we look forward to seeing everyone who comes in to try it!