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Beer Bridges Generations - Hogs Back Brewery

Beer Bridges Generations

Beer bridged the generations at the Brewery last night at our 30 At 30 birthday drinks.

Our 30 At 30 guests enjoyed a Snorter or two of Tongham TEA together.  In our 30th year, 30 specially invited TEA drinkers brought along 30 next-generation guests along to pass on their love of Tongham TEA.

Family enjoying TEA
The Brown family enjoying their Tongham TEA!

It was fantastic to see so many local Tongham TEA lovers with their sons or daughters or younger friends, sharing stories of when and where they enjoyed their first pint of Tongham TEA.

Father and Son with TEA
Haydn and his Step-Dad pass the love of TEA down the generations.

Rupert kicked off the evening with a talk about the brewery, before splitting the group into 2 and giving them an exclusive tour of the brewery, hop garden, hop store and our Sunken Garden. Everyone had the chance to learn all about the brewing process and how we make such delicious beers. Rupert guided the group through the whole process, right from growing our own hops, with an in-depth discussion on the different hop varieties that we grow here on our farm.

Rupert talking about hops
Rupert talking about the hop storing process.

Our guests were treated to plenty of pints and pizzas.

Father and Son enjoying TEA
Father and son, Jon and Oliver, enjoying their pints.

At the end of the evening, we had a big group cheers to 30 years! Everyone raised a glass in celebration as we mark 30 years since the Brewery doors opened with its first batch of Tongham TEA.

Cheers to 30 years
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